Kenta Murata
- Software Enginner
- CRuby Committer
mrkn AT
mrkn's diary
(My Japanese Blog)ドレッシングな日々
(My Old Japanese Blog)Anything
(My English Blog)@KentaMurata
- Program languages
- Ruby
- C
- C++
- Python
- Julia
- Swift
- Objective-C
- JavaScript
- CoffeeScript
- Assembly languages
- Bourne Shell script
- Vim script
- Emacs Lisp
- Frameworks, Middlewares, and Libraries
- Ruby on Rails
- Sinatra
- Rack
- Boost
- Database management systems
- Redis
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Berkley DB
- TDD and BDD
- RSpec
- Cucumber
- test-unit
- CUnit
- CppUnit
- Markup languages
- Haml
- Markdown
- LaTeX
- Operating Systems
- Mac OS X
- Linux
- Windows
- Other development systems
- Vim
- Emacs
- Git
- Subversion
- Visual Studio
- Sicence
- Complex systems' dynamics
- Complex networks
- Multi-agent systems
- Machine Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Schedule optimization
Professional Experiences
Speee Inc.: Full-time OSS developer, Ruby committer, Technical advisor for R&D department
April 2019 – Present
Speee Inc.: Full-time Ruby committer
February 2017 – March 2019
Recruit Inc.: Software Engineer
April 2016 – January 2017
COOKPAD Inc.: Software Engineer
December 2011 – March 2016
- Supporting development environment and infrastructures.
- Development of CRuby.
Genetic Lab Co., Ltd.: Software Engineer
August 2009 – November 2011
- Directing development of security policy for the company.
- Development of medical system for pathological diagnoses using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL.
- Development of distributed PDF generation and printing system using Prawn and Resque.
Axis Co., Ltd.: Software Engineer
August 2009 – September 2009
- Refinement of legacy code using Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL.
Technoface Co., Ltd.: Software Test Engineer
June 2009 – September 2009
- Integration testing of Japanese mobile applications.
Sapporo Mirai Professional Training College of Information Technology: Instructor
October 2004 – September 2009
- Instruct the following courses.
- Windows 2003 Server system management.
- Linux server management.
- Apache and Squid configuration and management.
- PHP programming.
- The fundation of cryptographic algorithms.
- The foundation of digital electronic circuts.
- Programming with Win32 API.
- Programming with Java for Japanese mobile platforms.
- Introduction to security for companies.
- Introduction to security for information systems.
Tomakomai National College of Technology: Instructor
October 2007 – September 2008
- Develop curriculum for computer science.
- Instruct the following courses.
- The theory for programming languages and compilers.
- Complex sytems and complex networks.
- Introduction to the relationship between information theory and thermodynamics.
- Introduction to Fractals.
Hokkaido Eisei Gakuin: Instructor
April 2005 – March 2009
- Instruct introduction course for information science and engineering.
Open Source Contributions
CRuby: Committer
February 2010 – Present
- Maintanance of bigdecimal library.
- Improvement CRuby performance, esp. algorithms for Bignum airthmetic.
- Bugfixs.
Momonga Project: Developer
July 2002 – June 2004
- Development of Momonga Linux (a Japanese Linux distribution).
Kondara Project: Developer
October 2000 – July 2002
- Development of Kondara MNU/Linux (a Japanese Linux distribution).
- Fixing table rendering.
- Implementing plugin exporting/unexportin mechanism.
- A bugfix.
Community Activities
Ruby Sapporo: Operation Team Member
2007 – 2011
- Hold the workshop called “The RSpec Book Reading Sapporo” (2010 – Present).
- Hold the regular workshop for Ruby.
Kosen Conference: Director
2010 – Present
- Manage the domain name.
- Manage reception email addresses for each conference.
RubyKaigi Executive Committee: KaigiFreaks
2008 – 2009
- On-line broadcasting (2008).
- Network infrastructure.
- The conference char (2009).
- Miscellaneous business.
Japanese Books
- 島田浩二, 設樂洋爾, 村田賢太, 前田智樹, 谷口文威.
Ruby 逆引きレシピ.
翔泳社 (2009)
Refreed Japanese Papers
- 村田賢太, 鈴木育男, 山本雅人, 古川正志. スケールフリーネットワークの生成方法およびベキ指数が結合振動子ネットワークの同期へ与える影響. 知能と情報 (日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌) Vol.21,No.2,pp.265–276 (2009).
- 村田賢太, 吉井伸一郎, 渡辺美知子, 古川正志, 嘉数侑昇. On-line Profit Sharing による複数AGV の自律走行. 情報科学技術レターズ Vol.4, pp.125–127 (2004)
Non-refreed Japanese Papers
- 村田賢太, 木下正博, 渡辺美知子, 古川正志. 熱力学に基づく群ロボットのマクロ制御—熱力学パラメータと群ロボットの行動—. 旭川工業高等専門学校研究報文 (40), pp.41–49 (2003) [CiNii]
Refereed International Talks
- Kenta Murata, Shingo Morita. Chanko: How COOKPAD safely releases multiple feature prototypes - in production - for test segments of their 15 million engaged users. RailsConf 2012, Austin, TX, U.S. (26 April 2012) [LINK]
- Kenta Murata. Float is Legacy. RubyConf 2011, New Orleans, U.S. (30 September 2011) [LINK]
- Kenta Murata, Ikuo Suzuki, Masahito Yamamoto, Masashi Furukawa. Synchronization Effects on Clustering Coefficient Characteristics in Scale-free Networks. In Proceedings SCIS&ISIS2008, Nagoya University, Japan (21 September 2008)
- Kenta Murata, Shinichiro Yoshii, Masashi Furukawa. Analysis of collective dynamics on the interaction structure with coupled oscillator network. In Proceedings of SCIS&ISIS2006, Tokyo Institute of Technology (September 2006)
- Kenta Murata, Shinichiro Yoshii. Analyze and generalize the multi-human dynamics through the complex graphs. In Proceedings of IES2005, Hakodate Future University (November 2005).
- Kenta Murata, Shinichiro Yoshii, Michiko Watanabe, Masashi Furukawa, Yukinori Kakazu. Autonomous Driving of Multiple AGVs by Use of On-line Profit Sharing. ICAM'04, pp.607–610, Asahikawa Grand Hotel, Asahikawa, Japan (October 2004).
Invited Japanese Talks
Kenta Murata. How to make easy and casual CI management in COOKPAD. Testing Casual Talks #1, :DeNA (24 July 2013) [LINK]
村田賢太. クックパッドのサービス開発を支える Ruby の技術. 第181回コンピュータ産業研究会. 東京, 日本 (26 March 2013)
- Kenta Murata. Ruby technologies activating the development of COOKPAD. Ruby Business Seminar. Tokyo, Japan (10 December 2012) [LINK]
Refereed Japanese Talks
- Kenta Murata. Distributed RSpec. Sapporo RubyKaigi 2012. Sapporo, Japan (16 September 2012) [LINK]
- Kenta Murata. The world without the literal notation for floating-point numbers. Lightening Talks, RubyKaigi 2011, Tokyo Japan (18 July 2011) [LINK]
- Kenta Murata. The future of the bigdecimal library and the number system of Ruby. RubyKaigi 2010, Tsukuba Japan (29 August 2010) [LINK]
- Kenta Murata. The standard random number generator of Ruby and the proposal to improve it. RubyKaigi 2009, Tokyo Japan (17 July 2009) [LINK]
Non-refreed Japanese Talks
- Kenta Murata. What a hard work to make the recipe sharing service available on Ruby 1.9.3. Oedo RubyKaigi 03. Tokyo, Japan (16 March 2013) [LINK]
- 村田賢太.
Ruby 1.9.3 の新機能と変更点.
Ruby 勉強会@札幌-18, 札幌, 日本 (2 July. 2011)
- 村田賢太.
関数プログラミングの世界 (Welcome to the world of functional programming).
オープンソースカンファレンス 2011 Hokkaido, 札幌, 日本 (11 June 2011)
- 村田賢太.
Let’s Begin Behavior Driven Development using RSpec.
第58回 CLR/H 勉強会, 札幌, 日本 (21 May 2011)
- 村田賢太.
Ruby をたのしくするために私が考えていること.
Hokuriku.rb × 高専カンファレンス, 石川, 日本 (20 March 2011)
- 村田賢太.
Ruby の懸案事項.
Ruby 勉強会@札幌-16, 札幌, 日本 (20 February 2011)
- 村田賢太.
LOCAL Developer Day 2011 Winter, 定山渓, 日本 (10 February 2011)
- Kenta Murata. Implementation of fast multiplication and division algorithms, and evaluating their performance (高速な乗除算の実現と性能評価). Sapporo RubyKaigi 03, Sapporo Japan (4 December 2010) [USTREAM]
- 村田賢太. コンピュータで数を扱う事について. 高専カンファレンス in 北海道2, 苫小牧, 日本 (29 May 2010)
- 村田賢太.
校内勉強会のススメ (An encouragement to hold workshops in your school).
Lightning Talks, 高専カンファレンス 2009秋 in 東京,
産業技術高等専門学校荒川キャンパス, 日本 (7 November 2009)
- 村田賢太.
5分で分かる Measure.
Lightening Talks, 札幌 Ruby 会議 01, 札幌, 日本 (25 October 2008)
- 村田賢太.
Measure 単位付き数値ライブラリ.
Ruby 勉強会@札幌-09, 札幌, 日本 (23 Aug. 2008)
- 村田賢太, 鈴木育男, 山本雅人, 古川正志. 複雑ネットワーク上の結合振動子における次数と同期の関係. 第80回知識ベース研究会 SIG-KBS-A703, pp.27–32, NTT武蔵野研究開発センター, 日本 (16 January 2008) [CiNii]
- 村田賢太.
Ruby 拡張モジュール入門.
Ruby 勉強会@札幌-06, 札幌, 日本 (17 Nov. 2007)
- 村田賢太, 吉井伸一郎, 古川正志. 非均一ネットワーク結合力学系における同期状態の時間発展. 第147回知能と複雑系研究会 SIG-ICS 147, ルスツリゾート (16 March 2007) [CiNii]
- 村田賢太, 吉井伸一郎. 異なる指向性をもつ集団組織の融合分離ダイナミクス. 第143回知能と複雑系研究会, pp.19–24, 国立情報学研究所学術総合センター (28 March 2006)
- 村田賢太, 森本浩之, 吉井伸一郎. インターネット・オークションにおける人間間相互作用についての考察. 2006年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 東京理科大学 (March 2006) [J-GLOBAL]
- 村田賢太, 吉井伸一郎. 2次元 totalistic-cellular automata のダイナミクスと状態遷移グラフのネットワーク的観点に基づく関連性. 第18回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 福井県国際交流会館 (January 2006) [CiNii]
- 村田賢太, 渡辺美知子, 古川正志. 強化学習による複数 AGV の自律走行. 2004年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 東京大学 (March 2004) [J-GLOBAL]
- 村田賢太, 渡辺美知子, 古川正志. 熱力学に基づくマルチエージェントシステムの群制御. 2003年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会. 富山大学 (October 2003) [J-GLOBAL]
- 村田賢太, 渡辺美知子, 古川正志. 熱力学に基づくマルチエージェント群制御. 2003年度精密工学会北海道支部学術講演会, 室蘭工業大学 (September 2003)
- 村田賢太, 渡辺美知子, 古川正志. 熱力学に基づく群ロボットのマクロ制御—群ロボットの振舞いの制御—. 2003年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 東京農工大学 (March 2003) [J-GLOBAL]
- 村田賢太, 渡辺美知子, 古川正志. 熱力学に基づく群ロボットのマクロ制御—熱力学パラメータと群ロボットの行動—. 2002年度精密工学会北海道支部学術講演会, 札幌学院大学 (October 2002)
- Graduated from Hokkaido University in 2009 with a Ph.D in Synergetic Information Science.
- Graduated from Hokkaido University in 2006 with a Master of Information Science and Technology.